The Empowered Job Seeker Series, v.15 - Daria’s New-found Understanding of How Her Emotional State Affected Her Presentation in the Interview Room
Jun 19, 2024We recently introduced you to how we teach your former employees, who are enrolled in CMS’s full-service outplacement program, about Emotional Intelligence and its effects on the interview process. As our Program Coaches get deeper into interview preparedness, they explore how ones ‘emotional state’ can strongly affect ones ‘physical state’ and performance in an interview.
Daria came to us after her job as an Executive Assistant in the healthcare field, came to an end after a relatively short tenure. Once we worked with her to confirm the next step in her career journey and developed a strong résumé that reflected her accomplishments, she started interviewing for similar positions to her last.
Daria didn’t get any response from the first few interviews she attended but wasn’t sure why. Once we advised her to gently ask for feedback from the next two interviewers, we were provided with much food for thought.
The feedback she received was similar in nature and was focused around her lack of perceived confidence. Lack of eye contact, a slumped presence in the interview chair and a soft voice were pieces of feedback she received.
This prompted Daria’s Career Transition Coach to work with her on connecting her mindset to her physical presentation. Developing self-awareness and emotional intelligence are essential to managing how we feel about ourselves and also in how we present ourselves outwardly to others.
Interpersonal communication consists of 55% body language, 38% vocal tone and 7% of words spoken.
To be aware of and retain a 'resourceful physical state' during an often-stressful interview process is key to success. What one shows physically on the outside, is a direct reflection of what one is feeling on the inside, and therefore what they are focused on.
Through a variety of exercises found in our outplacement program materials and through personalized coaching, Daria’s Coach at CMS taught her to become aware of this connection. Her Coach also delved deeper into the reasons why Daria was feeling this way about herself – and how to change it. Having the awareness to reflect on and change what she was internally focused on during those unsuccessful interview attempts was key to her success going forward. Daria’s new-found awareness about how she presented outwardly to the next potential employer she encountered made all the difference, and resulted in an invite to a second interview and ultimately an offer of employment.