CMS Program Insights and Information
To our HR colleagues,
As the year-end approaches and your team begins to plan for potential organizational changes in 2025, I thought you may be interested in previewing our 2025 HR Manager's Guide in advance of the new year.
We continue to offer a range of meaningful...
As we have discussed over the last couple of weeks, there are three main pillars that can describe the CMS full-service outplacement program.
In addition to, #1. Personal Coaching to help develop one’s resiliency during a major life change, and, #2. Strategic, modern job search tools to...
There are three main pillars that can describe the CMS full-service outplacement program. In last week's blog, we discussed the value of Pillar #1 during job loss and career transition when emotions tend to run very high: personalized program coaching.
This week we focus on Pillar...
Personalizing outplacement programs is the only way to make them matter. Why spend valuable budget on cookie-cutter programs that don’t truly help someone through a life-changing moment? Learning that one has lost their job is bound to prompt a series of emotions from shock to fear,...
When a team member is made redundant, they are sure to respond with waves of emotions, and a variety of thoughts about their initial and future next steps. Generally, they will first need time to focus in on what is important to them, their families and for their careers going forward.
It is important to us at CMS that our outplacement program candidates have a well-rounded experience while working with us. Encouraging the organization of their job search, the use of personal exercises as well as a program feedback questionnaire is part of how we accomplish this.
For Robert,...
As part of helping their candidates look for a new job, CMS Program Coaches also encourage their outplacement program clients to explore current job market trends, and outlooks as they relate to their particular industry, position, and career stage so that they can anticipate outcomes and...
In our last blog, we discussed one of the top two goals that we at CMS have. Goal #1 as you may recall, is to provide our valued HR clients with responsive, professional and personal support – support that they can rely on to be consistent and helpful during the course of difficult decision...
We recently gathered at CMS to reiterate and reconfirm our primary goals. And, although simple and straightforward, I thought I would take this opportunity to share them with you.
Goal #1 - to provide our valued HR clients with responsive, professional and personal support –...
In our last blog we started a discussion about how we help our outplacement program candidates answer tricky interview questions, especially the one concerning why they left their previous position. If one didn’t leave their previous role on their own volition, there are generally...
During the interview preparation process of the CMS outplacement program, many candidates express their worry about how to answer the question, why did you leave your last position? – especially when it wasn’t their choice to do so!
Many are coping with their own personal...