CMS Program Insights and Information

Outplacement Outtakes v.2 – Jack’s moment of clarity; The value of formal career assessment #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionprograms #careertransitionservices #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices Jan 11, 2023

Several years ago, I worked with a more senior gentlemen who had been let go by his employer after over 25 years of service.  Jack was a Mechanical Engineer by education and had worked for a large, multi-national manufacturing company located just outside of Toronto.  His last...

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Outplacement Outtakes v.1 – Helping Rosa to understand her emotions following job loss #careertransitionprogram #careertransitionprograms #careertransitionservices #hr #hrcanada #hrmanagers #hrsupport #humanresources #outplacement #outplacementcanada #outplacementprograms #outplacementservices Jan 04, 2023



When I first spoke with Rosa, she was quiet and fairly despondent having just been told of her termination the day before.  She had worked as a customer service manager for a retail group for the past 15 years.  I learned from the HR Manager that she had a...

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WorkHorseU Pillars of Career Transition Support Sep 14, 2022

The moment an employee is told their services are no longer required, their mind immediately turns to the problem of replacing their income. For most people, having to navigate today’s fast moving job market by themselves is a lonely and frustrating prospect.


To that end, the goal of...

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 What’s Included in The WorkHorseU Program Sep 07, 2022

The WorkHorseU Program has gone through countless upgrades in terms of how it is delivered (ie. from paper format to online) and more importantly in terms of content, ensuring that it is utilizes practical, modern and proven effective job search methodologies.  

Today it...

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An Effective LinkedIn Profile is Vital during Career Transition Aug 03, 2022

Once you are happy and have finalized your résumé, the next step is to make sure their online presence is friendly, professional and up to date. 


Generally, employers will use online resources first to search for candidates that fit their...

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Résumé Marketing - Utilizing Recruiter and Employment Agency Resources Jul 20, 2022

When working to market your résumé, you must develop the largest pool of job opportunities possible by addressing as many potential résumé marketing avenues as possible. One way of doing so is through the use of Recruiters and Employment Agencies -...

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Résumé Marketing - Accessing the 'Hidden Job Market' Jul 13, 2022

When job seekers are ready, we encourage them to access the 'Hidden Job Market' to increase their potential opportunities.  The reason is that the 'hidden job market' gives us access to job opportunities that have not yet been advertised and, it is a rarely utilized résumé...

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Résumé Marketing - The Importance of Networking Jun 30, 2022

Teaching job seekers about networking may seem like a very basic concept - and it is for those that are already used to maintaining one.  However, for those who haven’t had the need to utilize a network for career transition purposes, it can seem like a foreign concept and...

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Preparation! -The Key to Successful Interviewing Jun 15, 2022

In the WorkHorseU Program, we introduce job seekers like you to the ways in which we suggest candidates to market their skills and career histories - whether that be through networking, the hidden job market, via recruiters, etc.


Once your marketing efforts start coming to fruition, it's...

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Understanding Human Emotion and its Role in Interviews Jun 08, 2022

We don’t need to be seasoned psychologists to be successful in the interview process but having a good understanding of how human emotion plays a role, is essential to one’s success.


Awareness of our Own Emotions, as well as Those of Our Interviewer, is Key



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